Strategies for Staying on Track during COVID-19

In the last few weeks clients have begun to ask about strategies that can help them

stay on track as they do daily battle with depression and its enabler, the refrigerator.

The fact is that many of us get habituated to junk food. And, as we find ourselves socially isolated, we reach into the pantry or refrigerator to satisfy our cravings. The more we eat junk food, the more we fuel our food addiction and the more likely we are to pack on the pounds. Let me assure you, taking that extra weight off after the age of 50 can be painful. Your best bet is not to put it on.

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Here are two strategies to help you stay on track.

The first one is a three-day clean-eating detox. This is a strict paleo diet; you eat lean protein, veggies and fruit. No dairy, no grains, no caffeine. At the end of day, three notice how great you feel.  You’ll also find that the less you eat whatever you crave, the less you will want to eat it.

The second strategy is a two-week detox of either sugar, salt or processed foods. Most of us have one or more of those as a guilty pleasure. This is your opportunity to eliminate one of those food groups.

Success with these strategies hinges on preparation. Food preparation to be exact!

  1. Commit to the detox.

  2. Buy the food you will need.

  3. Figure out what your allowable guilty pleasure will be – strawberries (nature’s candy) and Le Croix carbonated water are two of my favorites.

  4. Increase the amount of protein and (good) fat in your diet. This will help you resist cravings.

  5. Pre-cook some protein so when you are hungry, it is ready!

  6. Pre-cut and prep fruits and veggies.

  7. Weigh yourself daily and celebrate your success at the end of each day.

Now that your detox is completed, look in the mirror. You look fabulous! If you want to look and feel great now and post-COVID-19, meet me in the virtual gym. Call or text me at 831.236.6199.


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