Stop Wasting Your Time in the Gym
Is your gym equipment masquerading as a clothes hanger?
Are you beating yourself up for not working out?
Are you a gym dropout?
Stop wasting your time in the gym. Less than 10% of do-it-yourselfers are successful. Why? Because
getting fit is challenging. You need more than motivation to succeed, which let’s face it, is in short
supply after a hard day at the office.
Working out alone at home is hard. There are a myriad of priorities competing for your attention, not
just today, but every day. It is no wonder your expensive gym equipment is idling in the garage.
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Working out in the gym by yourself isn’t much more likely to produce results. It is hard to motivate
yourself to get there. Do-it-yourself gym users are far more like to injure themselves, get caught up in a
start-stop cycle, fail to achieve results and ultimately give up entirely.
On the other hand, consulting with a professional trainer is the No. 1 way to get into shape. Working
out with a qualified expert makes you accountable --- you know someone committed to your success is
waiting for you at the gym! Over time you build the fitness habit and working out becomes part of your
DNA; it is what you do!
To succeed in the gym, you need the right environment, a program that consistently challenges you,
good technique and a solid support system. Once you’ve built your fitness foundation with the help of
a professional, add group classes to further build your success team.
If you would like to stop wasting your time and start achieving your fitness goals, meet me in the gym.