Involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods. This method boosts your heart rate, burns more calories in less time, and improves cardiovascular health. HIIT workouts are versatile, can be done anywhere, and typically last 20-30 minutes, making them perfect for busy schedules. Whether you're doing sprints, bodyweight moves, or using gym equipment, HIIT keeps your workouts efficient and effective, pushing you to your limits and delivering fast results.

High-Intensity Interval Training


Perform a jackknife motion, bringing your legs and upper body together to engage the entire core, especially the lower abs.

One Arm Passing Kettebell Swing

Swing a kettlebell with one arm, passing it to the other hand. This full-body move emphasizes the back, shoulders, and core.

Lunge and One Arm Push Down

This exercise combines a lunge with a one-arm push-down, engaging the shoulders, triceps, and legs. It also challenges balance and coordination, providing a full-body workout.

Plank Up-Downs with Push Up

Transition from a plank to a push-up position to work the core, chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Push Up Plank on a BOSU

Challenge your upper body and core by alternating between push-ups and planks on an unstable Bosu ball.

Box Jump

Increase power and agility by jumping onto a box with both feet, ensuring a soft landing.

Battlerope Variations

Boost cardiovascular endurance and upper body strength with dynamic battlerope movements.


A full-body exercise that combines a squat, push-up, and jump to improve strength and cardiovascular fitness.

Mountain Climbers

A dynamic, full-body exercise that targets the core, shoulders, and legs while boosting cardiovascular endurance. Perform in a plank position, bringing knees toward the chest in a running motion.

Squat to Lunge Combo

A combination move that targets the lower body, improving strength and coordination. Alternate between squats and lunges, focusing on keeping knees aligned with toes.

BOSU Straddle Jump Squat

A HIIT exercise using a BOSU ball to improve leg strength, coordination, and balance. Jump onto and off the BOSU, landing in a squat to engage the thighs, calves, and glutes.

Rebounder Throw + Lunge and Ball Slam

This dynamic exercise combines the power of a ball slam with the agility required for a quick rebound, working your entire body, especially the legs, core, and shoulders. Perfect for boosting coordination and explosive strength.

Side Lunge to Overhead Press

This full-body exercise combines a side lunge with an overhead press, targeting your legs, core, and shoulders for a comprehensive workout.

Reverse Stepping Lunge to Front Kick

This dynamic move engages your legs and core, transitioning from a reverse lunge into a powerful front kick, perfect for building strength and flexibility.

Step Up to Knee Lift

his exercise combines a step-up with a knee lift to engage your glutes, quads, and core. It enhances balance, coordination, and lower body strength while also challenging your stability.

Power Step Up

A dynamic lower body exercise that targets your glutes, quads, and calves. By driving up onto a step with one foot and using your arms for propulsion, you engage your lower body muscles for explosive power and strength.


Legs Exercises


Core Exercises