
Strengthen your abdominals, obliques, and lower back to support your spine and improve balance. Core exercises like planks, crunches, and Russian twists help stabilize your body and prevent injuries. A strong core is fundamental for almost all physical activities and improves overall body mechanics.

Russian Twist

Sit on the floor and twist your torso from side to side, holding a weight or medicine ball to target the obliques and core.


Perform a jackknife motion, bringing your legs and upper body together to engage the entire core, especially the lower abs.

Plank Up-Downs with Push Up

Transition from a plank to a push-up position to work the core, chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Half Woodchop

Perform a chopping motion to engage the core, obliques, and shoulders.

Dip Bar Knee Ups

Using dip bars, this exercise involves lifting the knees toward the chest, primarily targeting the core muscles. It also engages the shoulders and triceps for stabilization.

Ball Jacknife

Engage your core by pulling your knees towards your chest while maintaining balance on a stability ball.

Push Up to Plank on a BOSU

Challenge your upper body and core by alternating between push-ups and planks on an unstable Bosu ball.

TRX Single Deadlift with Reverse Flye Combo

Work your hamstrings and upper back by combining a single-leg deadlift with a reverse flye using TRX straps.

Push Up Plank

Build core and upper body strength by holding a plank position and performing push-ups.


A full-body exercise that combines a squat, push-up, and jump to improve strength and cardiovascular fitness.

Mountain Climbers

A dynamic, full-body exercise that targets the core, shoulders, and legs while boosting cardiovascular endurance. Perform in a plank position, bringing knees toward the chest in a running motion.

Squat to Lunge Combo

A combination move that targets the lower body, improving strength and coordination. Alternate between squats and lunges, focusing on keeping knees aligned with toes.

Spider Plank

A plank variation that works the core and obliques by bringing each knee towards the elbow in a circular motion. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves shoulder stability.

BOSU Straddle Jump Squat

A HIIT exercise using a BOSU ball to improve leg strength, coordination, and balance. Jump onto and off the BOSU, landing in a squat to engage the thighs, calves, and glutes.

Medicine Ball Jacknife

The Medicine Ball Jacknife targets your core by engaging both your upper and lower abdominal muscles, delivering a challenging workout that enhances stability and strength.

Stability Ball Deadbug

The Stability Ball Deadbug is a core stabilization exercise that challenges your abs while enhancing overall body control and coordination.

Alternating Front Kick

A core-focused exercise where you kick a target (like a bag) while maintaining balance on the standing leg. It engages your core, legs, and hip flexors, improving stability and coordination.

AB Wheel Rollout

A challenging core exercise that involves rolling out and back while maintaining a plank position. It targets your abs, lower back, and shoulders, helping to build core strength and stability.


HIIT Exercises


Full Body Exercises