Selina’s Exercise Library


Upper Body

    1. Smith Bench Press

    2. Incline Bench Chest Flye

    3. Banded Shoulder External Rotation

    4. Banded Oblique Twist, With A Lift Above Shoulder Height (Ab Exercise)

    5. Cable Machine Oblique Twist (Without The Lift, Straight Across, Also For Abs)

    6. Overhead Triceps Extension TRX

    7. Face Pulling Cable, Split Stance Using Double Rope

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    1. Ball Chest Press

    2. Cable Machine Chest Flyes

    3. 1 Arm Lying Reverse Flye: Use the other bench to lay on

    4. Barbell Bent Over Row

    5. Lat Pull-down

    6. Barbell Triceps Press On the Ball

    7. TRX Overhead Triceps Extension

    8. Barbell Bicep Curls 21’s

    9. TRX Rollout

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    1. Smith Bench Press

    2. Incline Bench Chest Flye

    3. Banded Shoulder External Rotation

    4. Banded Oblique Twist, with a lift above shoulder height (ab exercise)

    5. Cable Machine Oblique Twist (without the lift, straight across, also for abs)

    6. Overhead Triceps Extension TRX

    7. Face Pulling Cable, Split Stance using double rope

    8. Banded Lateral Shoulder Raises, 1 Arm at a Time

    9. Wide Grip Lat Pull-down

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    1. Bench Press and Ropes

    2. Lat Pull-down and Lateral Ball Bounce

    3. Seated Row and Squat Row

    4. Overhead Tricep Extension and Overhead Ball Toss

    5. Bicep Curl and BOSU Alternate Bicep Curl

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  • STRENGTH: upper body workout #5

    1. Chest Superset

    a. Chest Press

    b. Chest Flye

    2. Tricep Superset

    a. Tricep Pullover with KO8 laying on the Bench

    b. Tricep Pushdown with KO8 laying on the Bench

    3. Back Superset

    a. Bent Over Dumbbell Row

    b. TRX Long Level  Series (T’S,Y’S,I’S,X’S)

    4. Bicep/Shoulders

    a. Barbell 21’s

    b. Standing Barbell Overhead Press

    5. AB Superset 

    a.  Jacknife laying supine with Med Ball with Handles

    b. Plank with Toe Tap or Knee Lift

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  • 1. Split Stance Barbell Overhead Press

    2. Med Ball Squat And Med Ball Overhead Reach

    3. Pushups/TRX Chest Press

    4. Barbell Deadrow

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  • 1.  Bench Press

    2. Push Ups

    3. Squat To Barbell Overhead Press

    4. Bent Over Reverse

    5. 1 Arm Dumbbell Row On The Bench

    6. Superman

    7. Medicine Ball Jacknife

    8. Ball Plank

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  • 1. TRX Squat & Reverse Flye 

    2. Curtesy Lunge From Top Of Step (2 Risers) To Overhead Press With Medicine Ball

    3. Alternating Skull Crushers With Dumbbell In BOSU Bridge

    4. Tricep Dips 

    5. Bench Press

    6. Reverse Stepping Lunge And Row W/ KO8 

    7. Alternating Hammer Curls From Top of BOSU

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Lower Body

    1. Barbell Deadlift + Ball Back Extension

    2. Smith Reverse Stepping Lunges + Bench(AB) Jacknife with Body Bar

    3. Goblet Plié Squat + Side Lunge Holding Band Laterally

    4. Squat/Wide row+ BOSU Squat

    5. Split Squat + Ball Spam

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    1. Squat and Row Low with Twist

    2. Squat and Reverse Flye

    3. Face Pull No Squat

    4. Squat and Scissor

    5. Oblique Side drop/Lift-Side 1

    6. Oblique Side drop/Lift-Side 2

    7. Squat and “I” Shape

    8. Standing Rollout

    9. Show Angels - Right Side

    10. Show Angels - Left Side

    11. Show Angels Alternate Sides

    12. Squat Pulse and Hold

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    1. Overhead Tricep Lunge

    2. Barbell Squats

    3. Wobble Board Squats

    4. Alternating Reverse Lunge

    5. Jacknife

    6. Back Extension Machine

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  • 1. Calf Raises + Stretch 

    2. Band Walking 

    3. Standing Leg Raises With Band(X6) 

    4. Pelvic Tilts 

    5. Bridge With Band Around Knees  

    6. Clamshell With Band Around Knees (X2) 

    7. The “Seal” – Side Leg Raise—Up/Up And Down/Down (X2) 

    8. Side Plank With Hip Raises (X2) 

    9. Side Plank (X2) 

    10. Side Plank With Rotation (X2) 

    11.  Side Leg Raises Series (X8) 

    12. Quadriceps Lying Straight Leg Raises (Beach Pose), Both Versions: Toes Up And Toes Slightly Turned Out (X4) 

    13.Hamstring Straight Leg Raises, Both Straight And Bent Knee (X4) 

    14.Butt Blaster(X2) 

    15.Kneeling Hip Swap 

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High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

TRX Workout

    1. Squat/Row-3 sets (2nd Set, No Squat, Planked Out with Twist)

    2. Chest Press - 3 sets, Set 1 both Feet Down; Set 2 and 3; Right Leg and Left Leg

    3. Planked out wide-row (Face Pull) - 3 Sets (2nd set with the squat)

    4. Triceps Press 3 Sets

    5. Planked Out Bicep Row, 2 Sets

    6. Bicep Curl - 2 Sets

    7. Squat- Sit Down and Pulse with Butt Back-Hold Down Last 15 Seconds-2 Sets

    8. Squat and Scissors (Long Levers) - 2 Sets

    9. Chest Flye- Outside in Grip, Long Arms in Plank Position - 2 sets

    10. Squat and Reverse Flye (The T-Shape) (Long Levers) - 2 sets

    11. Overhead Triceps extension in Plank Position - 3 Sets; 1 set in Plank, 1 Set with Stepping Forward Lunge and 1 Set and 1 set 1/2 & 1/2, End in Plank Position

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    1. Kettlebell Deadlift + TRX Single Leg Deadlift

    2. Kettlebell Squats + TRX Split Squats

    3. Flat Chest Press on Bench + TRX Lunging Chest Press

    4. Reverse Step Lunge to Overhead Press + TRX Face Pull

    5. Ab Wheel Rollout + TRX Lunging Tricep Press

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  • 1. Dumbbell Squat + TRX Squat Row

    2. 1 Level Up From Flat Dummbell Chest Press + TRX Lunging Chest Press

    3. Forward Stepping Lunge To Reverse Stepping Lunge Holding Kettlebell Or Bodyweight Only

    4. BOSU Alternating Bicep Curls + KO8 Lunging Overhead Tricep Extension

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  • 1. Bench Press + TRX Lunging Chest Press

    2. Chest Flye In Ball Bridge + KO8 Lunging Chest Flye

    3. TRX Inverted Row (Or TRX Facepull) + Squat And Overhead Reach W/ Kettlebell Or Single Dumbbell, Standing On Bosu 

    4. Lunge And 1 Arm Reverse Flye W/ Tubings 

    5. 3x Barbell Deadrow + Squat & Golf Swing W/ Med Ball

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  • 1. TRX Squat And Scissors  

    2. TRX Planked Facepull 

    3. KO8 BOSU Squat & Row 

    4. Incline Chest Press

    5. Rebounder Chest Pass & Squat To Overhead Press 

    6. Chest Flye On The Floor, In BOSU The Bridge Position 

    7. Reverse Curtsey Lunge And Bicep Curl 

    8. Tricep Dips 

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