Weight Loss Accelerants

Are you struggling to lose the weight gained during COVID 19?

Despite a very active lifestyle, I put on a few pounds during the initial months of the pandemic. While I didn’t look forward to taking them off, I knew I needed to. I employed every trick in the book to get back to my fighting weight. In addition to cutting back on the calories, here are some strategies for accelerating your weight loss.

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  1. After dinner, don’t eat for 14 hours. If dinner is at 6pm, don’t have breakfast until 8am. Doing this introduces your body to intermittent fasting. In addition to weight loss intermittent fasting can help you lower cholesterol, improve glucose tolerance and reduce of liver fat.

  2. If going 14 hours without a meal is out of your comfort zone, then restrict your eating to three hours prior to bedtime.

  3. Make sure you have plenty of fat and fiber for dinner and drink a lot of water to eliminate toxins and fat.

  4. Remember your why for losing weight and cut out the sugar.

  5. And finally, my best tip. Add an evening walk to your after-dinner routine. Adding a half hour to one and a half hour, low to moderate intensity walk, will put your body in prime fat-burning mode. This stimulates the human growth hormone and lowers cortisol and insulin levels.

If you are ready to lose the COVID 15 let me help! I am available to coach and support you six days a week in one-on-one and group fitness sessions. Call or text me at 831.236.6199 to get started.


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