Staying Healthy During Covid-19

Like most people you are probably trying to find your footing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

At a time like this it is good to remember that exercise is nature’s best antidepressant! Maintaining a routine that includes regular exercise is key to your continued mental and physical health.  

It takes a little extra effort to stay focused but doing so will provide major benefits now and when you get back into the gym. If you simply stop exercising until life returns to normal you will be in a world of hurt. Your ligaments and tendons will have lost their elasticity and your joints will be less flexible. Stick with your fitness goals and you will ready to pick up your regular routine where you left off.

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Here are some tips for maintaining fitness at home.

Gather together (or order) whatever fitness tools you can: tubing, exercise bands, hand weights.

Schedule regular times to exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise a day.

At a minimum, get out for walks at the beach or around your neighborhood.

Use what you come across to make your routine more effective, for example, use a bench to do triceps dips. Run up and down the stairs at home or on your walk to get your heart rate up.

You may also schedule a half hour video appointment with me to set up a training regimen that incorporates walking, biking and strength training. Or, opt to join one of my video training classes. If you would like to build strength and maintain your fitness goals during shelter-in-place, meet me in the virtual gym. Text or call me at 831.236.6199 to get started.


Walking vs. Weightlifting


Exercise is the key to Mindset during Covid-19