I’m Selina, a holistic healer.

Massage Therapist, Trainer, Exercise & Nutrition Expert

I’m a fitness expert with over 20 years of experience.

Selina embraces a comprehensive approach to wellness that harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit. She integrates a variety of therapies including massage, nutrition, and fitness training, ensuring a personalized path to health and fitness that respects the unique journey of each individual.

Selina brings a wealth of knowledge and refined skill to every session. Her extensive background ensures that each client benefits from a deep understanding of therapeutic practices.

Trainer, Author, Entrepreneur, and CEO

Established in 2004, Selina is the Founder and CEO of Fusion Fitness in Pacific Grove, California. Led with intention, this community-focused gym tailors its services to meet the unique needs of each member. As an accomplished and passionate writer, Selina regularly shares her knowledge through her online blog. Subscribe today to join a community dedicated to intuitive wellness.

  • Massage Therapy

    Relieve stress and improve physical wellbeing with personalized massage treatments that target your unique body needs.

  • Fitness Training

    Come to my gym! Fusion Fitness in Pacific Grove is your local go-to source for personal training, group fitness classes, and motivation.

  • Body Rehabilitation

    Specialized correctional services that focus on recovery from injuries and managing chronic mobility conditions. Book a phone call.

  • Nutritional Counseling

    Transform your health with tailored nutritional guidance that supports your lifestyle and optimizes your well-being.

Local Reviews From Selina’s Clients

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